Health Coaching

Imagine your life a year or two down the road...

How would you like it to look?

What do you want to accomplish?

How do you want to feel? 


Maybe you’ll be 20 pounds lighter. Maybe you’ll be more energized. Maybe you’ll simply be feeling more motivated to do the things you’ve always wanted to do.

If you can see where you’d like to go with your health, but your not sure how to get there, then health coaching is for you.

Amy has helped thousands of people realize their health goals through education, motivation, accountability, and support. Let’s bridge the gap between where you are now and where you have always wanted to be.



Intro Package




Two 30 min private health coaching sessions. In this session, we’ll uncover what your personal health goals are, why they’re important to you, and we’ll set a clear plan to help you achieve them. You will leave feeling fully-equipped to start making changes that will impact your daily well-being and longevity.


6-Week Program




One 30-min introductory session followed by five 15-min follow up sessions. Customized 7-day meal plan. Personalized game plan to help you achieve your goals and maintain your progress. Unlimited email support throughout your program.


12 Week Program



30 min introductory session. Ten 15-min follow-up sessions. One additional 60 min halfway check-in. Customized 7-day meal plan. Personalized game plan to help you reach your goals. Unlimited email support throughout your program.