
Sydney Matuszak


Describe yourself in 3 words: Loving, warm, and loyal

How would your family and friends describe you? Kind, organized and compassionate

How would your students describe you? Projecting positive and comforting vibes, caring and supportive.

How do you want your students to feel after your classes? Projecting positive and comforting vibes, caring and supportive.

How did you become an instructor? I was thinking about teacher training for a while yet life and family responsibilities kept getting in the way. I took my training through Three Sisters Yoga in NYC’s 4-week intensive and couldn’t be happier to have connected with my teachers and community there.

What's your favorite food? I love everything chocolate!

What's your guilty pleasure? I love the days where I can sit outside in the sunshine on the lounges cuddling up with my three dogs and a good book.

What’s your favorite asana and why? Pigeon pose! I love how I can settle into a deep hip opener and tune inward, and sometimes it helps me connect better with my emotions!

Describe your teaching style: I teach a Vinyasa/Hatha mix lately and also love switchgears to teaching Gentle and Yin Yoga. I encourage my students to find the poses within their own framework and use mindfulness techniques learned in class off the mat with them.

Tell us about your first yoga class (or a memorable experience from your early yoga days) I remembering my first yoga instructor commenting on my scoliosis in Downward Facing Dog and asked if I needed any adjustments or modifications throughout. I was comfortable with “figuring it out myself” and asking when I needed assistance. The kind of compassion and feeling welcomed in a community made me realize I wanted to bring that forth to my students as well.